Fun times with teens…

Teenagers roam my hallways these days and the VS household has shifted hugely in recent years. Independent kids now purchase horrific amounts of junk food, but my heart still swells to see them also enjoying the healthy home cooking that they’ve grown up with. I suspect in adulthood they’ll revert to the food they’ve always known and the habit of eating fresh food will live on.

I definitely cook less these days, busy as life is with all the things, and the chore list is now somehow swamped by WASHING which has become endless. I’m now the smallest member of the household and everyone’s clothes have become massive. Bedding from new double beds is bulky. There are huge hoodies, multiple outfits each day, and stains that I choose not to investigate.

The cycle seems to work like this. I leave a pile of clean clothes for everyone. It never gets put away properly. Maybe some things do. Others get knocked over, stood upon, tripped over and returned to the washing basket unworn. Sensing deviousness (‘it’s easier to chuck it back in the wash than put it away’) I take these unworn items, shake them out, refold them and return them to child’s pile. And so the cycle goes – almost a game to see how many rounds an item can do before actually being worn or washed.

These are the games we play with teens, along with staying calm whilst teaching driving, trying to coax conversation out of silence and explaining to them how lucky they are to have such cool parents.

We eat everything these days, but this meal is such a standout that I had to share it. It gets cooked regularly at VSHQ. It’s minimum effort, super quick, filling and really tasty. Enjoy.

No cook tuna & corn pasta

Ok, the pasta gets cooked, but the rest is simply mixed together, saving on time and clean-up.

500g spiral pasta
1 lemon, juiced
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1/3 cup natural yoghurt
425g posh tuna in oil (I use Sirena)
400g can corn kernels, drained
1 red capcisum, diced
2 cups spinach leaves
Salt & Pepper
Chives & capers (optional, but recommended)

Cook the pasta according to packet directions.

While it cooks, grab a large bowl and whisk together the lemon juice, mayo & yoghurt. Pour in the oil from the tuna and blend well.

Fork in the tuna in chunks and add the corn and capsicum (plus chives and capers). Season well.

Drain the pasta. Return it to the pot and mix in the spinach leaves to wilt them a bit in the heat. Mix everything together. Season more and serve.

Quick. Yum.

Serves 4-5 adults, because let’s face it, that’s what we all are these days.


PS. In recent years I’ve done a career pivot and have trained as an astrologer. If you like a bit of woo-woo and have enjoyed this blog, you might want to stay in touch with my astrology snippets at or @astrologywithwendy on Facebook.

6 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Melanie Smith said,

    I was just thinking of you today as I ate my left over couscous salad from your awesome roast chook and couscous recipe that is my goto perfect roast chook every time recipe. I feel you with the teens too…

  2. 3

    Nicola said,

    So good to hear from you Wendy. I loved following you when your (and my) kids were little. Teenagers are a whole other game park. Damn those slushies, ugh. Do please blog again on this site. I chuckled and nodded away, agreeing with everything you said. Except you sound way more fun than I. I get angry about said clean clothes circulating the laundry rounds…your game sounds like a much better approach. Please keep blogging. You write so well and I still cook from the VS cookbooks!

    • 4

      Wendy Blume said,

      Thanks Nicola! So nice of you to comment. Rest assured, the ‘game’ with clothes is really defeat at my end… Pick your battles and all that! I’ll still pop by here from time to time, but no more books… xx

  3. 5

    Carole Rayner said,

    Absolutely love your recipes. I have a few of the Vegie Smuggler books and use them all the time. Thank you

    • 6

      Wendy Blume said,

      Thanks for letting me know Carole. I don’t spend much time in this space these days, so it’s lovely to know that the recipes are still useful. I just reopened Book 1 myself – might make the Shepherd’s pie this week! 😀

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